Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm here, and I like video games

Ok I am going to make this blog about video games, because I love my video games. I don't play a whole heap of games, but I do play a lot.

Firstly, Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty

Pretty awesome game, I am just about to go and start laddering. I play zerg, arguably the hardest race to play, but is the most respected and is incredibly fun in my eye. I also play a lot of custom games and if you want to hit me up PM me your name and I will add you and we can play some Starcraft!

Next blog: Minecraft


  1. My friends are soo into Starcraft for years now. I personally never found an interest in it. That is until a few days ago. I need to practice a bit more develop some good strategies. Good blog tho I am following. Hopefully soon ill get to play against you.

  2. Can't believe I still haven't play Starcraft yet... I really need to get un-addicted to WoW.

  3. Starcraft 2 is awesome dude! Nice post, followed! :D

  4. I like video games too :)

    havent tried wings of liberty yet! thanks for informing me its out :D !

  5. I'm looking forward to your minecraft blog, i played minecraft for a while on a pirate version i got off bittorrent and then i decided to actually pay up the cash to get the proper version and never played after that :S - Maybe you might able to get me back into the game.

  6. I never really got around to starcraft but Im looking forward to the next post because I play minecraft :)

  7. Haha i love playing minecraft, never tried Starcraft though. I think i'm probably going to get it soon though.

  8. Yo my names QUELQUAR on starcraft, add me and we can play sometime.

  9. My names QUELQUAR on starcraft add me and we can play together sometime.

  10. Starcraft 2 is the best! Check out my blog!

  11. I played starcraft...the 1ยบ one and loved it...a guess i have to vuy the new one

  12. cool, but you might want to put more meat in your posts.

  13. Damn so much talk about minecraft, I need to give it a go!
